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Month: March 2021

Referrals of other creatives!

I’ve been blessed to meet truly wonderful people, sometimes in the unlikeliest of circumstances, and occasionally in other “creative” environments. The people on this list are not only excellent freelancers/independent artists in their respective trades, but they’re also excellent people.
Whether for bookings, commissions, or other sorts of inquiries, I’m sure if you drop a line1 to anyone on this list, they’ll respond to the best of their ability.


📓 (Storytelling)
📄 (Professional)

Abdulrahman Amer aka Rocky🎼🎹🎸🎤🎧
Trombonist, Composer, Producer, DJ
(also highly proficient educator in music theory and piano)

Kaira Hassel🎼🎹🎸🎤🎧
Singer/songwriter (where gospel/R&B/rock & roll/pop intersect), film-scorer, classically trained vocalist, gospel specialty

Chéri Yielle🎹🎸🎤
Singer/songwriter (R&B with Hatian Flare, pop), classically trained vocalist

Singer-songwriter, musician, performer, spoken word artist and MC who cultivates community through sound.

Anne O’Rourke🎹🎸🎤
Singer/songwriter (acoustic/folk-ish), classically trained vocalist, MT-BC

Matt “Last Persona” Rooney🎸🎤
Indie-rock singer/songwriter, pretty much all of his tracks are freestyled a la stream of consciousness!


DJ Bud—Open Format (West Indian, hip-hop, Latin, top 40)

DJ Tim Trilla—Open Format, Saxophonist, Engineer/Producer


JustNick 🎼🎹🎤 📄



Visual Artists5
“ZJarime”—multimedia visual arts, jewelry, apparel & stickers (click here to check out a hoodie by Z that I wear!)

Manny Baksh—painting of all sorts: canvas, furniture, building interior & exterior (click here to check out some clothing that Manny customized for me!)

Josh B—sketch artist, custom designs, stickers & apparel

Courtney Hospedales—sketch artist, graphic novelist

Willow “Salicyn” Chamblin—digital art, watercolor, graphic novelist
(click here to check out Willow’s picture of my cat & I!)


About the tags and the footnotes

For all those idiosyncrasies that aren’t so straightforward.

Both of these are probably most helpful to me1, but here’s hoping they help bring some order to the chaos for you as well2! This post will be updated as needed.

Also: If the footnotes are ever distracting to you while reading, feel free to ignore them altogether. They mostly function to just add additional layers of meaning, so the sentence was (hopefully) written to make sense without them. Seldom though it may seem, I’m always trying to be more concise. Still, I sometimes often abuse footnotes whenever I have too many thoughts that I can’t bear to cut3.


  1. sitepurpose4: meta “housekeeping for this website” stuff


A First Pass

I plan to use this portion of the site as a kind of running workspace.

Because I believe that temperament is not unimportant in professional environments, it is my hope that this glimpse into the slightly more personal is somewhat humanizing1, rather than imprudent (or worse—downright compromising.) It’s unusual at best, but it’s a risk I’m willing to take.

So, what this site lacks in convention, it aims to make up for with honesty (to the extent that this can be approximated through virtual means). Plus, I’m making conscious efforts to keep these spheres distinctly separate from, but easily accessible to one another. (Feedback on to what extent I’m succeeding at this endeavor is always appreciated.) Hopefully, this apologist’s justification is a sufficient explanation. The ideal best-case would be for it to also be persuasive 🙂

So, once again, in whatever capacity you’re here: thank you!


Words: Crowd Favorites in Academia

These are some words worth knowing1, inspired by:
i) me not knowing stuff,
ii) my sister, Nadia Khan-Roopnarine, Ed.D.

(Updates? Frenetic. Whenever a word strikes me as particularly useful!)

May this enhance your discourse, written, verbal, read…etc.


  1. concomitant—naturally accompanying or associated (concomitant implications)
  2. incisive—intelligently analytical and clear-thinking
  3. vacuousvacuous truth is a statement that asserts that all members of the empty set have a certain property. For example, the statement “all cell phones in the room are turned off” will be true whenever there are no cell phones in the room
  4. polysemous—having multiple meanings
  5. univocal—a term, phrase, or word that has only one possible meaning
  6. involuted
  7. florid
  8. countervailing—offsetting an effect by countering it with something of equal force
  9. inchoate—just begun and so not fully formed or developed; rudimentary.
  10. stochastic—can be modeled according to random probability distribution


  1. interrogate—pose a series of questions to (interrogates the issue)
  2. criticize—form and express a sophisticated judgment of (Marx criticizes the Young Hegelians)
  3. scrutinize—examine or inspect closely and thoroughly (Marx scrutinizes Hegel)
  4. proliferate—increase/advance, spread rapidly and often excessively
  5. supervene—(of a fact or property) be entailed by or consequent on the existence or establishment of another. (“the view that mental events supervene upon physical ones”)
  6. stipulate—to set a condition or name a pre-requisite for something to be fulfilled
  7. imbricate—overlap ideas, often when one is the consequence of another
  8. abjure—disavow or relinquish
  9. confabulate—(psychiatric) fabricate imaginary experiences as compensation for loss of memory


  1. indigence—a state of extreme poverty
  2. architecture—conceptual framework/boundaries & limitations (within the architecture of x idea)
  3. counterfactuals—similar to hypotheticals, but related to past events
  4. mechanisms—
  5. lacuna—
  6. guise— 
  7. epoché
  8. ataraxia
  9. miasma—an oppressive or unpleasant atmosphere which surrounds or emanates from something.


  1. namely—that is to say

Words are resources2. They’re tools we depend upon in order to do what we do. Throughout my still very early academic career, some have tended to appear more frequently than others. Here’s one of my efforts to make the unfamiliar a little less daunting. Hopefully it may be of some use to whoever stumbles upon this, however they got here.

For each one, I’m mostly just using the results of a quick Google search. (That’s usually all it takes to get a sufficient working definition, for my purposes anyway!)

But a disclaimer with this in mind, O Imaginary Audience, I would be surprised if there were zero controversy in accepting these understandings as universally applicable in all contexts.3

So, just for my own fun: here’s a duplicate of this list4 adding some of my own thoughts, wherever applicable.

Red—(I suspect) this may be a word that’s more commonly used within philosophy/with a specific (set of) meaning(s), which means each use entails its own baggage and controversy.5
The most futile drinking game6, inspired by the red ones: Take a shot every time you hear someone use these red ones unpretentiously.

1) concomitant—one of my favorite words in spanish is “conllevar” which, I think, does the same thing
2) incisive—a virtue. A trait I aspire to wield (and, much like being concise, will probably never achieve)
3) vacuous
4) polysemous—damn near everything is polysemous in a post-modern world
5) univocal

1) interrogate—usually you only hear this one in an interpersonal “suspect/legal authority” sense, but I think it’s particularly effective when applied to ideas.
2 & 3) criticize/scrutinize—can’t quite put my finger on why, but instead of “critiques”, I seem to prefer “criticizes”
4) proliferate—anyone else out there who can’t help but think Cold War Era “nuclear arms race” whenever you hear this one?
5) supervene—I still don’t have a solid handle on this one(and jury’s out on whether I ever will)
6) stipulate—

1) indigence
2) architecture—I think it’s an especially good look to use this one in the “conceptual framework” sense


4) mechanisms—

5) lacuna—

6) guise— monosyllabic elegance, very functional synonym for “facade”


1) namely—once I became aware of this one, I started seeing it e v e r y w h e r e. I suspect it has equivalents or superior counterparts in other languages


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