For all those idiosyncrasies that aren’t so straightforward.

Both of these are probably most helpful to me1, but here’s hoping they help bring some order to the chaos for you as well2! This post will be updated as needed.

Also: If the footnotes are ever distracting to you while reading, feel free to ignore them altogether. They mostly function to just add additional layers of meaning, so the sentence was (hopefully) written to make sense without them. Seldom though it may seem, I’m always trying to be more concise. Still, I sometimes often abuse footnotes whenever I have too many thoughts that I can’t bear to cut3.


  1. sitepurpose4: meta “housekeeping for this website” stuff


  1. at best, organizationally, but sometimesTM as entertainment
  2. who(¿m?)ever you may be, assuming that there is a “you”, who is doing the “be”-ing—a fairly tenuous assumption.
  3. because they always seem so gosh darn important
  4. this is also a category in addition to being a tag on the site!