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Category: sitepurpose

Do I blog out of…?



because I’m making sense of stuff in a way that could maybe be useful for some other poor sucker to stumble upon, at least in some capacity?

Vain enough to secretly want some kind of audience, but honest enough to admit it(?)

Truthfully, I’m not sure how long this post will survive after it goes live on the site, but it was born out of wanting to acknowledge: I don’t want to just boil down to a glorified dating profile.

It occurs to me that keeping professional-ish stuff only a few clicks away from less-professional stuff could make it less likely for this collective space to be taken as seriously. Yes, there’s something to be said for authenticity, but is it bordering on inappropriate?1


About the tags and the footnotes

For all those idiosyncrasies that aren’t so straightforward.

Both of these are probably most helpful to me1, but here’s hoping they help bring some order to the chaos for you as well2! This post will be updated as needed.

Also: If the footnotes are ever distracting to you while reading, feel free to ignore them altogether. They mostly function to just add additional layers of meaning, so the sentence was (hopefully) written to make sense without them. Seldom though it may seem, I’m always trying to be more concise. Still, I sometimes often abuse footnotes whenever I have too many thoughts that I can’t bear to cut3.


  1. sitepurpose4: meta “housekeeping for this website” stuff


A First Pass

I plan to use this portion of the site as a kind of running workspace.

Because I believe that temperament is not unimportant in professional environments, it is my hope that this glimpse into the slightly more personal is somewhat humanizing1, rather than imprudent (or worse—downright compromising.) It’s unusual at best, but it’s a risk I’m willing to take.

So, what this site lacks in convention, it aims to make up for with honesty (to the extent that this can be approximated through virtual means). Plus, I’m making conscious efforts to keep these spheres distinctly separate from, but easily accessible to one another. (Feedback on to what extent I’m succeeding at this endeavor is always appreciated.) Hopefully, this apologist’s justification is a sufficient explanation. The ideal best-case would be for it to also be persuasive 🙂

So, once again, in whatever capacity you’re here: thank you!


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