This is a helpful space to host some resources. Thanks for checking it out!
I’ve been super fortunate to find work as a:
1) Party Percussionist
2) Pit Orchestra Drummer1
3) Accompanist
4) Drum Circle Facilitator
5) Private Instructor
6) Session Recorder
From self-taught beginnings, to public school student musicianship, throughout & beyond undergrad, I’ve been playing drums/percussion for over 15 years in a variety of settings. One of the most rewarding aspects of my post-BA gap year was the decision to take myself a bit more seriously when it came to becoming a working musician.
Given the innumerable people2 I’ve met (like my brother3) whose identities are inextricable from the label “Musician,” it took me a while to call myself one as well.4 But, it truly has become a dimension to my method of thinking/being in the world, so here it is!
Click here to check out my freelance percussionist business site
(Important note about this video! This is definitely not appropriate at every event, so it only happens pending host request/approval!)
Pride Festival 2022 Montclair, NJ
- for more info on me & pits, please check this page out!
- Even if I’m not what you’re looking for, I’ll happily point you in the right direction, if I can. For creatives, visual/musical/written artists of all types, see my referrals post if you’d like some recommendations!
- a prolific jazz saxophonist, who also happens to be the systems administrator for this website—which is running from his own self-built home server!
- because I wouldn’t be a musician if I didn’t have at least some impostor syndrome about it, am I right?
- would a note about the “Notes” on the Music page be…a music note??